
Malic acid

Malic acid General characteristics Chemical name 2-hydroxy بوتاندیوئیک ascites Other names Hydroxy بوتاندیوئیک Acid, 2-hydroxy سوسینیک…

Application of polyelectrolyte (polyacrylamide) in food industry

The application of polyelectrolyte in the food industry is a strong clarifying agent and has a great…

Polyelectrolyte package diaphragm pump

Advantages of diaphragm pump in polyelectrolyte package dry work Occupying little space Light and portable Low breakdown…

chinese polymer preparation unit video

Polyelectrolyte encapsulated components

Depending on the device application, there are different parts to consider when   designing and manufacturing polyelectrolyte packages   . In general,…

Types of Polyelectrolyte Encapsulation

Polymer preparation and injection systems are divided into manual and automatic packaging. Packaging materials are usually made…

What are polyelectrolyte packages

The presence of similarly charged suspended matter in the water is one of the biggest problems…

Advantages of Polyelectrolyte Injectable Packs.

Considering that water crisis is a major issue in today’s world, water purification, recycling and desalination…

How do polyelectrolyte injection packs work?

The Polyelectrolyte Preparation Kit is an automated system that helps in mixing polyelectrolyte powder into solution. The…

Uses of Polyelectrolyte Injections.

The use and understanding of the importance of polyelectrolytes is increasing rapidly. The number of manufacturers producing…

Design and fabrication of polyelectrolyte injection devices.

Since polyelectrolyte injection devices have a significant impact on industry and even drinking water quality, they…

Deposition process using polyelectrolyte injection packages.

Depending on the type of material and powder dissolved in the water, polyelectrolytes are generally divided…

Polyelectrolyte Encapsulation Cost and prices

The cost of a first-stage polyelectrolyte package depends on  your tank capacity, so this article cannot provide a…

The final word is the polyelectrolyte package

Electrolytes are divided into two categories: inorganic and organic. The electrolytes used in flocculation are of organic…